Darren Poyzer singer songwriter
singer, songwriter, community musician
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Catch If You Can (Darren Poyzer)

Recorded at: Autumn Rd Studio, Wrexham (2009)
Produced by: Nino Errico

Darren Poyzer (acoustic guitar / vocals)
Jono Massey (percussion)
Nino Errico (guitar)
Rachel Lloyd (backing vocals)

"This demographic it's pronographic,
this radio is a blizzard of static"

One of a handful of songs in the new collection written using an 'E-major' open tuning on the guitar, 'Catch' is the pop song of the collection. It does however have quite a dark and morbid poetic lyric subtext.

'The Falling Man' that the song relates to is an image from the events of 9/11, revealing a silhouette of one of the WTC 'jumpers'. This iconic image was shown on the front page of newspapers around the world in the aftermath, only to be removed as it was seen to be in severe distaste.

In the context of the song, The Falling Man takes a snapshot of the modern world as it spins at pace beneath and around him, taking him from life to death in almost an instant. Even in this moment, there is still some hope being reached out for, some kind of love ...